Monday 23 June 2008

and here's a pic of Georgie's family and mine on our bikes.

Gaining momentum...

Gaining Momentum....

Jane's blog.

Monday, 23rd June

The gym workout's getting easier every day and I'm actually enjoying getting fit for the GGBB. Note to self - Must remember to check weights and resistance before wondering why the quad-builder rolling torture machine won't budge.

Fitness by Design in Gillingham have devised a great programme to get me from here to Birmingham in one piece.
It's the carrot and stick approach.
The workout's the big stick; blissful sauna the carrot... and it's already making difference to the actual biking.

We're getting loads of GGBB enquiries via the Conservative Party website

and all this from just our GGBB logo, one paragraph and a photo. Really exciting!

we'll soon be posting an Application Form with a list of GGBB Mass Ride venues in the participating Regions.

so watch this space, upload your own cycling and training pix and stories.

Join us as we have fun and support REGAIN.

REGAIN is a great cycling charity. Much more about them on our next GGBB blog...